Tan/Olive Caddis 12-16, Light Cahill 14-18, BWO 18-22, March Browns 12,14, March Brown Cripple Emerger 12,14,  Sulphur Dun/Parachute Sulphurs  14-18,Olive/Yellow Soft Hackle 12-18, Hare’s Ear Soft Hackle 12-18, March Brown Soft Hackle 12-16 are working well just below the surface. Olive/Natural Caddis Pupa 12-16, Soft Hackle Caddis Pupa 14-18, Pheasant Tails 10-18, Olive Hydropsyche 8-14, Tan Ryocophia 8-14, GD Czech Catnip 8-14, Prince Nymph 10-18, Hare’s Ear 10-16, Hot Spot Jig 10-16, Sexy Walt Jig 14, Olive Quill Jig 12-14, Black/Brown Stones 8-12, Olive/Brown/Black Buggers 6-12, Sculpzillas 4,8 are getting fish down deep.

Early morning and evenings are the best times to fish right now. Some good caddis hatches in the morning and most hatches going off in the late afternoon into the evening. If you can’t get them to the surface sink your fly under. This technique can provide some rewarding results. Big stimulators, pmx’s and chernobyls will start coming into play as well.


wb  mv