Buggers on sink tips have been working well. Water levels have just started to come down but with rain predicted Saturday into Sunday it could rise again.

Woolly Buggers 6-10, Sculpins and medium size streamers 4-8, Olive/Natural Caddis Nymphs 8-18, OCD Caddis 14-16, Pheasant Tails 12-20, Hare’s Ear 12-16, Stoneflies 8-12, Deerfield Stone 14, Copper Johns 12-16, Attractor Nymphs 12-18, Squirmies and Egg Patterns, BWO 16-18, Tan Elk Hair Caddis 14-18, Hendrickson’s 14-16 and Red Quill 14-16.

We have dates available for float trips, wade trips and lessons. Give us a call if you would like to book a day. (413)397-3665