Olive/Brown/Black Buggers 6-12, BWO 16-22, Elk Hair Caddis 14-18, Ants 16-20,  Adams 10-14, Olive/Orange Stimulators 8-14,  Soft Hackles 12-18,  Orange Soft Hackles 14-18, Olive/Natural Caddis Pupa 12-16, Soft Hackle Caddis Pupa 14-18, Pheasant Tails 10-18,  Copper Johns 12-16, SH BWO Nymph 18-20,  Olive Hydropsyche 8-14, Tan Ryocophia 8-14, GD Czech Cat Nip 8-14, Prince Nymph 10-18, Hare’s Ear 10-16, Pink/Orange Hot Spot Jig 10-16, Sexy Walt Jig 14, Olive Quill Jig 12-14, Black/Brown/Golden Stones 8-12, San Juan’s and Squirmies, Sculpins 4-8.

Buggers have been getting strong results. Change up the colors and retrieve rates. The first pic was sent in from Sam Keator and the second by Tom Saltis. Both fish were caught recently this week.

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