Happy New Year!!!!!

Olive/Brown/Black Buggers 6-12,  Pheasant Tails 10-18,  Sexy Walt Jig 14,  Copper Johns 12-16, Olive and Natural Caddis Nymphs 8-16, Gold Lightning Bug 14-18,  Hare’s Ear 10-16, GD Czech Cat Nip 8-14, Prince Nymph 10-18,  Pink/Orange Hot Spot Jig 10-16, Olive Quill Jig 12-14, SH BWO Nymph 18-20, Black/Brown/Golden Stones 8-12, San Juan’s and Squirmies, Eggs 12-18, Sculpins 4-8. BWO 16-22, Soft Hackles 12-18,  Orange Soft Hackles 14-18, Soft Hackle Caddis Pupa 14-18. For dries midges are the name of the game this time of year. Sz 22-26 Olive/Black/Gray/Tan.

Photo courtesy of Eddie Esposito