And then the rains came! We’ve had some pretty wet weather the last week or so that has replenished our rivers. All rivers are running high and stained except for the Swift River. You may want to check out some of the smaller rivers in the area as they will drop quickly and the fish may be reinvigorated from the rain and cooler temps.

Adams/P. Adams 12-16, Tan/Olive Caddis 140-18, Sulphurs 14-18, BWO/Olive Emergers 14-22, Yellow Sallie 14-18 Chernobyls /Stimulators/Hoppers 8-12, Pheasant Tail/Caddis Nymphs 10-18, Golden/BrownBlack Stones 8-12, OCD Caddis 14-16, Olive/Orange/HE/PT Soft Hackles 12-20, Squirmies and Mop Flies, Woolly Buggers 6-10, Sculpin Bugger 6.