Get those fly boxes ready for prime bug season!
This series of classes will explore the various insects that trout feed on in the Deerfield River and then instruct how to create the imitations of these bugs that should be in every Deerfield River angler’s fly box.
The first class looks at the life cycle of the most important mayfly species on the Deerfield. We will identify and discuss the different mayflies that hatch throughout the year and we will tie flies that represent each stage of the mayflies’ lives—from nymph to emerger to dun to spinner.
The second class will delve into the life cycles of caddis and stoneflies. The third will cover midges, terrestrials and general attractor patterns.
Though geared toward the Deerfield River, most of these flies will work for most other New England trout streams.
The goal of this class is to give students a grounding in the most important bugs to look for at different times of the year and then demonstrate a number of ways to tie the imitations of these bugs at their various life stages.
Classes are on three successive Sundays, March 17, 24 and 31, at 3 pm and should run about three hours each. Cost is $30 per class or $75 for all three classes. Class limited to ten; pre-registration is required. Some experience tying is necessary. Bring your own vise, tools and thread. All other materials will be provided. Contact Brian at 413-397-3665 or with any questions or to register.