Streamer Fishing Clinic Oct. 15

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The days are getting shorter and the leaves are starting to turn. Fall is here, and that means it’s prime time for streamer fishing. As the water temperatures drop and the daylight hours get shorter, trout sense that leaner times lay ahead. This is also the time of year when brown trout need to gain strength for the upcoming spawn and start to become more territorial.

This all adds up to more aggressive fish looking for bigger meals, and streamers are a fun way to take advantage of this.

Join Hilltown Anglers and the Deerfield Fly Shop on October 15 to hone your skills on all aspects of streamer fishing. We will discuss what equipment we prefer, how we set up our rigs to deliver these bigger flies, which patterns we turn to given different conditions, how to dissect the river to focus on the most likely water types, and how we present our flies in different scenarios. We will also thoroughly cover proper hooksets and fighting and then landing fish with confidence!

The clinic is approximately 4 hours long. Beginning at 9 a.m. with an in-house presentation at the Deerfield Fly Shop, we then head to the stream for demonstrations of different techniques and time for anglers to practice what they have learned and get feedback from guide Brian Gilbert of Hilltown Anglers.

Students should have their own equipment, including wading gear and fly rod—a six weight is our preferred streamer rod loaded with sink tip or sinking line. There will be some gear available for anglers to demo. Equipment and essentials will be available for purchase at the Fly Shop.

The cost is $150 per angler.

Contact to register or with any questions.

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